All images are optimised for 1024*768 but if you set your desktop background display to 'stretch' they should work with any standard sized display.
Click the pictures. A full sized image will open. Once it has loaded, right click it and select 'Set as wallpaper' or 'Set as background' or 'Use image as - Desktop background'.
Alternatively, if your operating system allows it, you can download several images, and use my rotating script to randomly cycle through the background images. Edit the file to say what images you want to use, then set the HTML file as your background - on Windows: right click the desktop and select 'Properties', then use the 'Browse' button to select the HTML file. The image will automatically resize to fit your display.
All these pictures were taken by us, and should not be re-used for any form of picture gallery with the exception of your own desktop wallpaper.