Beside the Falls 2015
The less travelled major waterfalls of Waterfall Country.
- Videoing at Sgwd Gwladus with a GoPro. From here, we continue up the Afon Pyrddin, fording the river repeatedly to continue along the poorly defined path.
- Tributary waterfall on a bend. I have photographed this several times before, but today I wanted to get up to the upper benches.
- The bottom step, perhaps 5 or 6 metres tall.
- I climbed up the banks upstream of the waterfall, seen on the left here, then backtracked downstream to reach the tributary.
- The view of the upper step is always obscured, but from up here it can all be seen fairly well. It is perhaps 8-10 metres tall.
- Sgwd Einion Gam, the second tallest single drop waterfall in South Wales at 26 metres, thundering into its canyon. I climbed high up the opposite bank (beneath the camera) to get into another tributary, but I urge others not to follow me.
- Very steep bank of the tributary.
- This tributary stream is topped by another 8-10 metre waterfall, just below the fields.
- Partial solar eclipse on 22 March 2015. Without having an ND filter, this was too bright for the camera to get a useful picture, instead showing bright lens flares and diffraction patterns. Every speck of dust on the lens and CCD showed up as a dark blob, and needed to be edited out.
- The darkest point of the partial eclipse. What has this got to do with waterfalls? Well ... these pictures are beside the watefall pictures. Or after them. Or something.