This gallery is a record of a day's sailing with Håkon Wium Lee on his boat. Many names will be mentioned. If these names mean nothing to you, don't worry. They mean a lot to me, and that is what is important. Håkon likes to share his world with people, and several times we had accompanied him to watch live opera performances. Now it was time to accompany him on the fjord as well.
- <Insert caption here> - couldn't resist.
- Some of the many old style ships docked in Oslo.
- At last, Håkon's boat motored into the dock, to relieve us of the annoying dance concert (if those two words can be used together) that was starting at Aker Brygger. Helping the boat into shore are Charles McCathieNevile and Anne van Kesteren.
- Melissa, Håkon, Becci and Josie, heading out from the dock.
- Chaals, feeling the freedom.
- Anne unwrapping the sail. And yes, Anne is not a girl, OK, we already heard that one. He's from Holland. They do things differently over there.
- Raising the mainsail.
- And the front sail (whatever it's supposed to be called).
- Switch off the motor, and we are sailing.
- Anne serves as our figurehead as we aim out across the fjord. So far, only one person has fallen off this boat. A man whose names contains a Cedilla, and hangs around in the same circles (or is that boxes) as Håkon and Chaals.
- Yes, I can control this whatsumydoobree too.
- Håkon tries to explain to Josie the importance of reading the charts so that we don't run aground.
- Josie suddenly gets serious and starts paying attention.
- One of the smaller shipping beacons. The rock it is attached to is clearly not big enough for the structure that sits on top of it.
- A blue sailed, single manned sailboat overtakes us and storms ahead.
- A cruise liner takes a direct route through the sailboats. "Get out of my way".
- And an artsy version of the same shot.
- What else would you expect to do on a sailboat?
- That's the problem with Austrailians. You give them a beer, they start preaching. Nice halo.
- On the edge of the fjord is a diving tower, where some children fearlessly jump off.
- Håkon shows them how it should have been done by diving off the 10 metre board (OK, he jumped feet first, but no-one needs to know that, do they?).
- Anne's turn to take the tiller. And he looks so serious.
- Another artsy shot to use as a wallpaper.
- Haakon and Anne demonstrating how the wind can tip a sailboat over. Everyone over to the starboard side please.
- Yes, it is tipping over a fair bit, but it can be a lot more in stronger winds. Whatever. Insert words here.